Interest rate is a key factor influencing borrowing and the investment market. A basic explanation indicates high interest rates attract investors while…
invest in government securities
Govt securitiesFixed Income
Types Of Government Securities In India
by GoldenPiby GoldenPi 11 min readLow-risk investment instruments are always in demand among both risk-averse and high-risk investors. On one hand, these tools ensure safety and stability,…
Fixed IncomeGovt securities
Why are Government Securities Issued?
by GoldenPiby GoldenPi 9 min readThe government securities market of India is blooming as investment is no longer limited to large institutions and has been facilitated for…
Fixed IncomeGovt securities
Understanding Government Securities (G secs) in India
by GoldenPiby GoldenPi 9 min readWhile a government has its specific revenue for all funding requirements, a liquidity crisis can occur. When that happens, the government will…