Home EssentialsBond Market A Quick Guide to the Bond Investment Process for Retail Investors
Bond Investment Process for Retail Investors

A Quick Guide to the Bond Investment Process for Retail Investors


Once you’ve made up your mind to invest in bonds, there’s a whole new world of opportunity that opens up for you. Bonds offer higher returns with lower risks than most of the other investment options available to retail investors. The best part is, what was once available only to large ticket buyers, corporates and banks is now open to retail buyers like you and me.

Up until recently, investing in bonds was complicated and not as easily accessible as stocks and mutual funds. Moreover, bond brokers and sellers would reach out only to big players who were willing to buy in large volumes. But in 2017, the government passed a new bill making G-secs available to retail buyers.

Here’s a Simple Guide on How You Can Invest in Bonds:

STEP 1. Select the Bond/s that you want to invest in

The first step involves browsing through the latest bonds available in the market. You can choose corporate bonds, public-sector bonds, corporate fixed deposits or tax-saving bonds based on your financial goals. GoldenPi offers a one-stop solution where you can browse through the latest bonds available in the secondary market. You could also check out the National Stock Exchange (NSE) to get information related to government bonds.

STEP 2. Documentation

Retail investors can buy bonds from the primary market (IPO Issuance) or the secondary market. The documents required for investments vary based on this criterion.

a. If you’re investing in a bond IPO, then you just need to fill up the Sample IPO form. GoldenPi will send this form to you. GoldenPi will also get the form picked up from your place via its delivery partners

For an IPO application, no payment is required. This is as per the latest ASBA norm. As per this norm, once you apply for an IPO with your form, your application amount (mentioned in your form) gets blocked in your Bank Account. Once you get allotment successfully, the corresponding amount gets deducted from your account.

b. For secondary market investments, investors need to complete all KYC formalities which include submitting address proof, pan card, canceled cheque, and CMR Demat copy. Once KYC is completed, you will be eligible for bond transactions. The following are the documents that are required :


Guide on How You Can Invest in Bonds


If you are investing in Bonds via GoldenPi, rest assured that all your documentation, physical document pickup and processing will be done by our dedicated KYC desk.

STEP 3. – Receiving the Bond Units in Demat Account

a. IPO: On successful allotment, the bond units will automatically be transferred to your Demat account. The application amount for the units allotted will get debited from your Bank Account.

b. Second Market Purchase: For the purchase of bonds from the secondary market, Sample Deal Sheet or consideration sheet is generated with all the details of the transaction (buyer details, seller details, price, yield, etc). You’ll have to sign and send a scanned copy to us to complete the purchase process. Then you have to remit the purchase amount for the bond to ICCL/NSCCL or directly. You can use manual or online RTGS payment to remit the money.  (ICCL/NSCCL are the counterparty settlement bodies in India.)

The bond units will be transferred by ICCL/NSCCL to your Demat account on the same day.

To sum up:

Bond Units in Demat Account


You can invest in bonds via GoldenPi

As India’s first online platform for bonds and debentures, we at GoldenPi have simplified the entire bond investment process for you. From selecting the top bonds in the market to completing the transaction process for you, we follow a completely transparent and smooth process, making investments in bonds easy and effortless.

Reach out to us to start investing in bonds.

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GoldenPi September 24, 2020 - 4:20 PM

Thank you

R Maheswaran October 3, 2020 - 3:05 PM

Very informative and valuable for investors as it educates well enough to take informed decision.

GoldenPi October 6, 2020 - 12:20 PM

Keep reading: keep exploring!
Thank you.

S.A.Raja November 13, 2020 - 1:49 PM

Interesting & informative. Should one become the member/enrolment. What are the charges for your services?

GoldenPi November 15, 2020 - 5:56 AM

Hi Raja,
Thanks a lot for appreciating our services. We do not charge for accessing our platform. You can signup for free.

GoldenPi Team

GoldenPi November 25, 2020 - 5:26 AM

We at GoldenPi don’t charge our customers for accessing our platform for bond purchase. And Zerodha Coin’s platform is also free of cost. However, the list of bonds could be different on platforms of GoldenPi and Zerodha coin.
Thanks a lot for visiting our website and showing interest in our services.

GoldenPi Team

JMN January 7, 2021 - 10:59 AM

How do we sell our bonds bought through Golden Pi, what is the process associated to it?

GoldenPi January 8, 2021 - 5:00 AM

If you want to sell Bonds before maturity, you can put them up for sale on BSE/NSE. Alternatively, you can reach out to GoldenPi. GoldenPi team will help you to sell your bonds.

rahul raniwala February 11, 2021 - 8:47 AM

do bonds have lock in period or not? how will I get interest amount?

GoldenPi March 19, 2021 - 11:16 AM

Hi Rahul,

Bonds are 100% tradable securities. This means that there is no lock-in on your bond investment. If you want to sell them before maturity, you can do so in the secondary market at market price(market price may vary from par-value). I hope you find this helpful answer.

Thank you
GoldePi Team

Jayaprakash TK April 1, 2021 - 9:06 AM

I have trading account with UPSTOX. Can I buy and sell bonds through you using this account? If so what charges I have to pay you.

Sanju Chhetry July 26, 2021 - 5:55 PM

Hi, I want to invest in bonds through your platform but I have zero knowledge . This will be my first attempt to do so . Please guide! Thank you

GoldenPi September 7, 2021 - 3:54 AM

Hi Sanju,

Please write to us at contact-us@goldenpi.com. Our team will get in touch with you.

Goldenpi Team

Jalaram August 9, 2021 - 6:21 AM

Hello, Can I invest in bonds through online platform, as I am not in India & cannot able to send any documents. I have the Zerodha account. Please reply me on mail

GoldenPi December 23, 2021 - 4:58 AM

Hi Jalaram,

Documents are required to invest in the Indian Bond Market.
Pls, refer to this blog- https://goldenpi.com/blog/investment-guide/investment-process/bond-investment-process-for-nri-investors/

GoldenPi Team.

Latha October 30, 2021 - 6:14 PM

Hi You said about helping selling the bought Bonds …where we can see this type of sale/buy options in Goldenpi ?
Say if i want to buy South indian bank bond from resale how can i see it ? (Can i see in Golden pi site?

GoldenPi November 17, 2021 - 4:21 AM

Hi Latha,

We have a rich collection of corporate bonds. Pls, visit our Collection Page- https://goldenpi.com/contact-us
In the case you want to sell the bonds then get in touch with your Relationship Manager or write to us at https://goldenpi.com/contact-us.


Ponnambalam T December 21, 2021 - 4:42 PM

IF i want to buy a bond from secondary market in your golden pi platform, where I have to pay the bond cost? to whom the bond cost has to be transferred? And How I will get the bond in dp ac? please explain in detail

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